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Abid Jan

A curious student of the nexus between public safety, inequity and community well-being, sharing learning to leverage success.

Anti-racism: where to start as an organisation

The best first step for those who wish to address racism yet do not necessarily know where to start is arming themselves with an understanding of how racial oppression:

– Was socially constructed,
– Has been used to subjugate various groups of people,
– Shows up today in the many ways we structure our systems and society; and
– Intersects with other discriminatory structures like misogyny, homophobia, ableism and others but lumping them together doesn’t lead to concrete actions to address the roots of systemic racism.

In a nutshell, an anti-racism approach requires organizations to look inward to acknowledge racial bias that shows up within their policies and culture – and how they can look into their existing priorities/strategies to explore how they can address the root causes of systemic racism support victims – before they can effectively look outward and scrutinize racial bias within other parts of the system.

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