Traditional DEI approaches don’t work

Let’s learn together. Let’s learn bit by bit and then try to apply our learning to making some change happen in our spheres of influence. Shereen Daniels, someone who has worked in HR for 20 years, believes:

“Traditional diversity and inclusion (D&I) does not work:
– Not to fix racism
– Not to get to the roots of white supremacy and challenge power structures to create fairer and equitable workplace cultures
– Not to provide genuine psychological safety for colleagues to speak out about their experiences and why they feel they are victims of racism, discrimination, harassment, bullying and retaliation
– Not when there’s a culture of protecting the majority at the expense of the minority
– Not when there are still few to no Black people on executive boards
– Not when the discomfort about race stops leaders from taking action, because to get involved feels too risky.”
#diversity #inclusion #EDI #DEI #racism

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