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Abid Jan

A curious student of the nexus between public safety, inequity and community well-being, sharing learning to leverage success.

Surviving Digital Revolution

The worst form of social media misuse is the dissemination of misleading information. Keeping your cool and avoiding spreading false information is the greatest tip for using social media responsibly. There is no question that residents who lack critical thinking abilities, are underinformed, and are equipped with social media megaphones pose a severe threat to the safety and well-being of their communities.

Here is a primer on how to survive this digital revolution  – an era where social media makes disseminating misinformation much, much simpler than it was in the period of telephones and telegraphs, so that you can be a more fair and knowledgeable source of information on a personal level.

At the macro- and meso-levels, amid the demise of the newspaper industry, media literacy initiatives, fact-checking, and the promotion of a compelling alternative narrative can all contribute to preventing busy and distracted citizens from falling prey to deliberate deception.

#disinformation # #socialmedia #safety #media

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