Assault charges after the fact vs a proactive, upstream intervention for longer and deeper impact

Freeing schools from intimidation, harassment, and violence requires more than just punishing individuals after the fact. Students will benefit most from stopping hate-motivated harassment from happening at all.

The right approach needs to incorporate several preventative strategies. Besides policies and procedures, schools need to use all programs activities at their disposal – from class rooms and instructional program, calendar of events, extracurricular activities, professional development efforts, all the way to parents and police engagement initiatives; these factors need to establish an environment where respect for diversity can flourish.

A comprehensive framework includes:

1. Written policies

2. Procedures to respond to all incidents of hate and harassment

3. Establishing a formal complaint procedure

4. Create an environment that respects and appreciates diversity

5. All staff (all employees) training

6. Parental engagement

7. Student activities and mediation and counselling programs

8. Work with law enforcement agencies and engage them pro-actively in preventative activities/education/info-sharing.

#racism #schoolsafety # #diversity #education #students #engagement

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