Both far left and far right are avoiding the common ground

We must seriously consider a lesson from the US experience because trends from the South are replicated in the North – sometimes without delay. We are witnessing copycat extremism and polarisation in Canada, from insurrection (occupation) in the capital to hijacking the social justice movement and holding law enforcement alone responsible for the pervasive systemic discrimination and racism ingrained in education, employment, housing, health, and settlement, and deeply rooted in all major institutions.

For taking some lessons from the South, here is the best analysis I have seen with solid data and examples. The key lesson: When it comes to how they pursue their political objectives, the far left and far right extremism are similar.

To help find common ground, organisations and professionals operating at the nexus of public safety, equity building, and community well-being must be mindful of extremism on both sides.

We need to be mindful of both extremes because both are inclined to avoid the common ground, silence their opponents, treat “foes” severely, put even innocent lives at stake in the name of a “greater purpose,” and if necessary, resort to ruthless methods to “persuade” society of the soundness of their goals.

Also, see: 

1. CNN: “Once nicknamed ‘Murderapolis,’ the city that became the center of the ‘Defund the Police’ movement is grappling with heightened violent crime” 

2. Economist: The public wants to refund, not defund, the police

#socialjustice #systemicracism #racism #policing #communitysafety #police


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