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Abid Jan

A curious student of the nexus between public safety, inequity and community well-being, sharing learning to leverage success.

Is workplace diversity a scam?

Research has shown that microaggressions and unconscious bias have a negative impact on the mental health of people of color at work, which may include issues with emotional regulation, lower self-esteem, anxiety, depression, hypervigilance, and stress. On top, people of color are often tasked with fixing the diversity problem or creating “inclusive” spaces, which, for some can feel like a burden.
Dr. Keisha V. Thompson, associate professor of psychology says, “Imagine, suffering from something, and having to cure yourself and everyone around you? The emotional labor that is oftentimes placed on such individuals in the workplace is immense.”

Heather Mac Donald, a Thomas W. Smith Fellow at the Manhattan Institute and New York Times bestselling author of The Diversity Delusion argues: “If employers used completely color and sex blind standards in hiring and promotion, diversity reeducation for managers would not be necessary.”
#culturaldiversity #work #mentalhealth

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